Internet Trash

Why "Internet Trash"? When I couldn’t remember the name of the blog I started a year ago my sweetheart said, “You just leave your Internet Trash all over the place, don’t ya?”

As for the address WITAD, well this is one of my very favourite phrases. “What Is This Arsehole Doing?”

Both seem fit to describe what I might put on this site.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sometimes I get it

Do you ever just feel like you are always chasing something? A better job, a bigger house, a better relationship?

I LOVE a chase. I always have. It's what makes me bound out of bed in the morning. Being a Leo (of which you can tell I take great pride that my mom managed to push me out on the final day of Leo greatness), I want big and shiny. When I get big and shiny, I want bigger and shinier. I am not really a perfectionist, I just like life to be intense and fiery and shiny.

I have often thought that if you give up chasing then you give up on life. I thought that to "learn to be happy with what you have" was code for give up and just accept mediocrity. And I want nothing to do with mediocrity. Except for some reason, today I understand that being happy with what you have is intense. It means being happy while you strive for something else. That takes courage, and I fancy myself the kind of lion who does not lack courage. But is it fiery to be happy with what you have? The love I have for sweetheart burns with more heat than it did in the moment I said “I do”. I ache to have another child, but the love I have for beautiful daughter is so shiny it's almost blinding.

Be happy with what you have. I get it.