Internet Trash

Why "Internet Trash"? When I couldn’t remember the name of the blog I started a year ago my sweetheart said, “You just leave your Internet Trash all over the place, don’t ya?”

As for the address WITAD, well this is one of my very favourite phrases. “What Is This Arsehole Doing?”

Both seem fit to describe what I might put on this site.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Taking out the Trash

What do I want to say in first ever blog post? Well, really it is not my first. If you read the blurb underneath my blog title you’ll see what I mean. But, that’s neither here nor somewhere else.

I could introduce myself, but isn’t that what the “About Me” link is supposed to tell you? Oh wait, I re-directed you back to my posts to find out more about me.

Ok, here we are. Back again. More about me. Me. Me. Ok, we’ll get back to that topic another day.

What do I say? It’s the big empty page that is taunting me. I am quite sure that I am to fill it with witty comments and cleverly written anecdotes about my life. But I am not so sure that I want to do that. It’s not that I want to be “oh, so very original”. It’s just that today, I don’t want to do that. It’s not that I don’t like my life. Nope, I like it very much. It’s just that it’s not very witty or clever today. So what is my life today? Well the best thing that I said or wrote today was a comment on a friend’s terribly witty and clever blog. So today I am going to plagiarize myself. Just throw my trash out there twice today.

"Yup. It is crazy. We have perfectly good coffee (although it is no Timmy's) for free in our office building yet I insist on waiting in the drive thru line at the one and only Timmy's on Terry Fox. Why? Not only do I love Timmy's but I figure if I am going to drink the coffee anyway I should be getting something for it. “The chance to win”. So far, I have won "Please Play again" about 15 times.On another mini rant. I am compiling a book, more of a manual, on the proper drive thru etiquette specifically for Tim Horton's.

Rule #1: Yes, it is safe to leave space between you and the car ahead of you. We all know this. Except in the Tim Horton's drive thru. You must get as close as possible to the person ahead of you so that the people behind you can get off the street and stop blocking the intersection. Yes, I know. Stop blocking the intersection and wait patiently on the other side of intersection. But we all know that no one is going to risk having someone cut in line and jump 30 seconds ahead of them in the quest for crack, um I mean, coffee.

Rule #2: If you order includes more than 6 items, take it inside. The drive thru should be treated as a grab and go line.

Rule #3: This is more of a suggestion really. I would like to initiate the use of "THTD" (Tim Horton's Traffic Directors). I think that there should be two people every morning directing the line in the drive thru. Anyone who does not pull up to speaker fast enough, leaves too much space, tries to cut in line or does something else that is generally annoying by my standards will be removed from the line and suspended from the drive thru for one week. Three infractions in one month gets you a lifetime ban.

And finally if someone has $999,980 to invest with me (I have the other $20) we should open up another Timmy's in the March Road/Terry Fox area, we would make a killing. Whoever was the genius who thought only one Timmy's in the high tech sector was sufficient not really thinking clearly. They must have gotten tired of waiting in the drive thru line and missed their morning coffee."


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